2024 Pre-Meeting Workshops


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 Cancer Genomics Consortium Educational Workshops

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Leadership Workshop

Leadership Workshop

Bioinformatics Workshop

Bioinformatics Workshop

Sunday, August 4, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (CDT)

Moderators: Xiaoyu Qu, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and Teresa Smolarek, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Michael Johnson, University of Washington

If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go with others - African Proverb.

But how would you work with others to bring about positive changes to the organization? We have been trained to make conclusions based on data with a P < 0.05 often following a sophisticated algorithm.

For example, would it work the same way if we try to convince administration to budget for a half-a-million-dollar instrument and two extra FTE? How could you approach staff who do not seem to be as excited about the new assay as you are, or perhaps how could you convince IT to you let you have administrative rights to your computer?

In this session, titled Influence without Authority, we will examine how change agents get buy-in from key stakeholders--leadership, employees, and others. Using a metaphor of head, heart, and hands, we will look at how real people with little to no authority were able to get buy-in for major change initiatives.

Sunday, August 4, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM (CDT)

Moderator: Alex Wagner, Nationwide Children's Hospital

Malachi Griffith, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 
Alan Rubin, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute 
Sumaiya Iqbal, Broad Institute 

Clinical interpretation of genomic variants in patients requires the appropriate use of relevant genomic evidence resources supporting the role of a variant in driving tumor oncogenicity. One important evidence type is experimental data describing the functional consequences of gene variants.

This bioinformatics workshop will provide an overview of the ClinGen/CGC/VICC criteria used to assess functional consequence data, with follow-along demonstrations of functional evidence in multiple platforms: the CIViC knowledgebase, the MAVEdb evidence repository, and the Genomics 2 Proteins portal. This interactive workshop is intended for a general audience with varying expertise in bioinformatics and an interest in using these platforms to assist in evaluating functional consequence data for variant interpretation.

Participants are encouraged (but not required) to bring their own laptop computers to actively engage with these genomic evidence resources as demonstrated by the workshop presenters. Demonstrations will be led by platform experts, and questions are encouraged throughout the workshop.

Workshop participation incurs an additional registration fee of $50.00, which includes attendance at both sessions.