Scientific Program Overview

Cancer Genomics Consortium CGC 15th Annual Event

2025 Scientific Program Overview

The full Scientific Program will be released in mid-April.


Keynote Speaker Sessions

(60-minute presentations)

New molecular genomic discoveries in leukemias and their diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic implications
Hagop Kantarjian, MD
Professor and Chair of the Department of Leukemia at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Telomere biology disorders and cancer risk
Sharon A. Savage, MD
Clinical Director and Senior Investigator in the Clinical Genetics Branch of the NIH National Cancer Institute

Clinical application of genomic technologies in pediatric cancer care and precision oncology strategies for diagnosis and treatment
Donald Williams Parsons, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Section of Hematology-Oncology, Baylor College of Medicine, and Chair of Precision Medicine at Texas Children's Hospital

Invited Scientific Sessions

(60-minute sessions with two speakers per session)
Speakers will be announced soon.

Genome mapping and sequencing technologies for characterizing structural variants

Clinical variant interpretation knowledgebases in cancer genomics (with a focus on CIViC and VICC)

Cancer genome bioinformatics in a clinical setting

Federal regulations affecting molecular diagnostic testing and gene patenting

Panel discussion on the integration of cytogenetics and molecular genetics laboratories

Abstract Sessions

Accepted abstracts will be presented in a variety of formats.

Seven platform abstract sessions
(60-minute sessions with four presentations per session)

Two speed abstract sessions
(45-minute sessions with six presentations per session)

Two poster abstract sessions
(Two 60-minute sessions, odd-numbered posters to present one day and even-numbered the next)

Pre-Meeting Workshops

Workshop participation incurs an additional registration, which includes attendance at both sessions.
Workshops will each be 90 minutes with a break between them.

Navigating academic vs clinical pathways and achieving success/happiness in academic medicine workshop

Bioinformatics workshop

Networking Opportunities

Welcome reception
(Sunday evening in the Exhibit Hall)

Networking lunch
(One hour lunch session on Monday for professionals to network)

Early career social
(Monday evening social for those attendees in training or recently out of training)

Round table lunch discussions
(One hour lunch session on Tuesday that allows attendees to gather in small groups and discuss current practices in clinical genomics, emerging technologies, and critical concepts that affect clinical laboratory operations.)

Industry Sessions

Diamond exhibitor showcases
(30-minute sessions open to our Diamond level exhibitors in the General Session space)

Platinum exhibitor showcases
(15-minute sessions, open to our Platinum level exhibitors in the General Session space)

Science Cafe exhibitor presentations
(Five minute sessions, open to our Gold level exhibitors)