2024 Invited Speakers


Dr. Dara Aisner CGC 2024 Invited Speaker

Dara Aisner, MD, PhD

Dara Aisner, MD, PhD, is a board-certified certified Anatomic and Molecular Genetic Pathologist. She is a Professor of Pathology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver, Colorado and a member of the University of Colorado Comprehensive Cancer Center. She is also board certified in Clinical Informatics. As the Director of the Colorado Molecular Correlates Laboratory and the Vice Chair for Genomic Laboratory Medicine within the Department of Pathology, she participates in numerous initiatives related to molecular diagnostics.

Dr. Aadel Chaudhuri CGC 2024 Invited Speaker

Aadel Chaudhuri, MD, PhD

Aadel Chaudhuri, MD, PhD, is the Vice Chair for Translational Research, and Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at the Mayo Clinic. He additionally serves as the co-director of the precision cancer genomics office across the Mayo Clinic enterprise, and as emerging leader of the early cancer detection and interception program at the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. He is a physician-scientist with a lab that is dedicated to liquid biopsy research.


Dr. Robert Sebra CGC 2024 Invited Speaker

Robert P. Sebra, PhD

Robert Sebra, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences and the founding Director of the Center for Advanced Genomics Technology (CAGT) which is focused on accelerating faculty driven innovation to ensure that the Mount Sinai community has access to cutting-edge genomics platforms to accelerate discovery. His research focuses on developing single molecule, bulk, single cell, spatial, and in-situ multi-omics molecular and computational methods and the application of these techniques and datasets for translational science and medical research.

Dr. Chad Vanderbilt CGC 2024 Invited Speaker

Chad Vanderbilt, MD

Chad Vanderbilt, MD, is an Assistant Attending Pathologist in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). He sub-specializes in molecular pathology and is a member of the Molecular Diagnostics Service. Dr. Vanderbilt's research, supported by the Warren Alpert Foundation, focuses on computational biomarker discovery for cancer. His laboratory utilizes deep learning methods to train models based on H&E histopathology slides to predict prognosis and response to therapy.